
BigchainDB uses StatsD for monitoring. We require some additional infrastructure to take full advantage of its functionality:

  • an agent to listen for metrics: Telegraf,
  • a time-series database: InfluxDB, and
  • a frontend to display analytics: Grafana.

We put each of those inside its own Docker container. The whole system is illustrated below.

BigchainDB monitoring system diagram: Application metrics flow from servers running BigchainDB to Telegraf to InfluxDB to Grafana

For ease of use, we’ve created a Docker Compose file (named docker-compose-monitor.yml) to define the monitoring system setup. To use it, just go to to the top bigchaindb directory and run:

$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-monitor.yml build
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-monitor.yml up

It is also possible to mount a host directory as a data volume for InfluxDB by setting the INFLUXDB_DATA environment variable:

$ INFLUXDB_DATA=/data docker-compose -f docker-compose-monitor.yml up

You can view the Grafana dashboard in your web browser at:


(You may want to replace localhost with another hostname in that URL, e.g. the hostname of a remote monitoring server.)

The login and password are admin by default. If BigchainDB is running and processing transactions, you should see analytics—if not, start BigchainDB and load some test transactions:

$ bigchaindb load

then refresh the page after a few seconds.

If you’re not interested in monitoring, don’t worry: BigchainDB will function just fine without any monitoring setup.

Feel free to modify the custom Grafana dashboard to your liking!