BigchainDB Consensus Plugins

BigchainDB has a pluggable block/transaction validation architecture. The default consensus rules can be extended or replaced entirely.

Installing a plugin

Plugins can be installed via pip!

$ pip install bigchaindb-plugin-demo

Or using setuptools:

$ cd bigchaindb-plugin-demo/
$ python install # (or develop)

To activate your plugin, you can either set the consensus_plugin field in your config file (usually ~/.bigchaindb) or by setting the BIGCHAIN_CONSENSUS_PLUGIN environement variable to the name of your plugin (see the section on Packaging a plugin for more about plugin names).

Plugin API

BigchainDB’s current plugin API exposes five functions in an AbstractConsensusRules class:

validate_transaction(bigchain, transaction)
validate_block(bigchain, block)
create_transaction(*args, **kwargs)
sign_transaction(transaction, *args, **kwargs)

Together, these functions are sufficient for most customizations. For example:

  • Replace the crypto-system with one your hardware can accelerate
  • Re-implement an existing protocol
  • Delegate validation to another application
  • etc...

Extending BigchainDB behavior

A default installation of BigchainDB will use the rules in the BaseConsensusRules class. If you only need to modify this behavior slightly, you can inherit from that class and call super() in any methods you change, so long as the return values remain the same.

Here’s a quick example of a plugin that adds nonsense rules:

from bigchaindb.consensus import BaseConsensusRules

class SillyConsensusRules(BaseConsensusRules):

    def validate_transaction(bigchain, transaction):
        transaction = super().validate_transaction(bigchain, transaction)
        # I only like transactions whose timestamps are even.
        if transaction['transaction']['timestamp'] % 2 != 0:
            raise StandardError("Odd... very odd indeed.")
        return transaction

    def validate_block(bigchain, block):
        block = super().validate_block(bigchain, block)
        # I don't trust Alice, I think she's shady.
        if block['block']['node_pubkey'] == '<ALICE_PUBKEY>':
            raise StandardError("Alice is shady, everybody ignore her blocks!")
       return block

Packaging a plugin

BigchainDB uses setuptool’s entry_point system to provide the plugin functionality. Any custom plugin needs to add this section to the setup() call in their

    'bigchaindb.consensus': [